Awesome Dad's Top Ten Communication Intentions
An Awesome Dad is by no means perfect. But that itself is perfect, because imperfection allows us to really understand the personal evolution our children are going through with us. The definition of an Awesome Dad, then, is the father who stays in the game, shows up fully and sets powerful intentions to grow into. Here are some:
I listen with my entire being - and without judgment. I seek first to understand and appreciate what my children say. From that vantage point, I will build their trust in me and be most supportive.
I see others as equals, neither superior nor inferior to me. Every person is a unique individual, just like everyone else on the planet. (hee hee)! We each have our own journey and everyone we encounter is integral to our life's objectives. Children are no less important and should be treated with equal respect.
I engage my curiosity completely. I truly want to understand and try to grasp all that is going on for my children. I want to see the world afresh from their perspectives and glean new insights through them. I ask questions without an agenda.
I consider all perspectives and choose consciously. In this world of infinite possibilities, I seek to understand where everyone is coming from and only then choose what resonates most. I share this process with those I love.
First, do no harm! I communicate to foster understanding and growth but never to hurt. "Sticks and stones..." I know my words can cut deeper, and the resulting wounds take longer to heal.
I tell stories that speak to the heart. When I speak from the heart, my words penetrate other's hearts. Parables and personal stories are easy to accept and are rarely accusatory, though often funny and informative.
I articulate the nuances. I use a rich vocabulary to communicate distinctions that will help to raise awareness and expand my family's appreciation of life.
I understand the power of my touch. From a gentle touch on the cheek, to a vigorous backrub, to wrestling on the floor, I communicate my love through the powerful medium of touch. And I know when to refrain as well.
I share what's there. I discuss difficult issues that warrant open communication without fear. I believe open communication will lead to the greatest family unity, even though the journey may be difficult.
My actions are congruent with my values. I am keenly aware that my actions speak louder than my words. The best communication is when words and actions match perfectly. Values in action...
Copyright 2004 by CoachVille, Dovid Grossman and Ken Mossman
Duplication, with attribution, permitted and encouraged.
From CoachVille's 'Awesome Dads: dare to be a hero!' community.
My father was a very successful engineer. But he and I never got along, and we fought all the time. One day, when I was 17, I told him, "I always wanted a close relationship with you, but we don't have it." I watched as three tears squeezed out of his pained eyes. And he said, "I've always wanted that, too, but I just don't know how to do it." Since that day, we haven't argued. I got it. I understood his love for me was really deep. A lot of fathers are in the same boat. They love their kids dearly. But they don't know how to express this in a way that their kids understand it. Which means there's great pain in one of the most important relationships in their lives. I offer adventure, mentoring and coaching programs for fathers to become Awesome Dads. The benefits are a lifetime of pleasure and pride with the most important people in their lives. Dovid Grossman
Dad's Salmon Grill Recipe
Salmon recipe
Use either cedar or alder plank/chips (soak it in water for a minute or two, first). Use WILD ALASKAN Salmon if possible. (Try not to use farm raised salmon (mercury content is high). Place skin side down on grill (brush fish and grill lightly with olive oil first). On the flesh side, coat lightly with mayonnaise (for healthier version, skip this step). Then, add FRESHLY chopped rosemary and lemon juice, add once again while cooking along with Morton's Nature's Season's on top of the rosemary. A thin salmon fillet will only take 6-8 minutes on a grill at 300-400 degrees on top of the wet plank. This recipe has been in the family for ages and served us well in Oregon and now in Arizona.
John Braun Marana, AZ
Building A New Relationship With Dad
For the record: You don’t have to plow up your corn and build a baseball field to reconcile with your father.
The climactic scene of the movie Field of Dreams offers a powerful portrayal of reconciliation between father and son. With each toss of the baseball and dusty pop into the leather glove, we know that Ray Kinsella and his father are healing past hurts and building a new relationship.
Though the movie relied heavily on fantasy, we still appreciate the emotions of that final scene. And I believe much of the movie’s success can be attributed to the hunger so many people feel for that kind of reconciliation.
Is this just a Hollywood fantasy? I don’t think so. There are real-life stories that are every bit as moving. Listen to this testimony from John:
My father came back in my life after about a fifteen-year estrangement. Six years ago he became ill, and my wife and I took him in and took care of him. Then he went home to be with the Lord earlier this year.
My children had never met this man, and if this had not happened, I would not have known who my father was. It wasn’t always easy, and I thank God for the angel he sent for me to marry. But I’m thankful that my children now know who their grandpa was and miss him very much.
But I want to say that I almost missed it. If anyone has the opportunity to get to know their father, do it. I got a second chance, and that doesn’t happen very often.
In building a new relationship with your father, you are trying to recapture the original design for fathers and sons, but not as a child. You’re a man now, a competent adult, acting on what is true now, not what should have been true when you were six or sixteen.
Just relax and let the relationship re-define itself. Persevere through difficulties; share new experiences; learn to express love to your dad.
But at the very least, I urge you to take John’s advice. Build that connection while you have the chance. Finish that unfinished business.
You and Your Children's Mother: Overcoming Anger for Your Kids' Sake
Getting tired of hearing about how all single dads are angry? If you're like me, you don't even read the "deadbeat dad" articles anymore—it's enough to make you mad!
The real danger of that kind of anger is that it can very easily cloud your thinking and make you temporarily forget one of your most valued priorities in life, your kids. What's really best for you and them? Do you really get that much satisfaction out of hating your former wife? Who's really being hurt here? If there's a constant pain in your stomach, it isn't her that's bleeding; it's you—and the kids.
Like many things in life, hate is a choice. It may seem like an uncontrollable reaction, but in not learning to control your anger, you have chosen to hate. I'm not asking you to love the kids' mom again; that's a choice too. There's a middle ground you have to reach—the lack of anger and hate. It's a very necessary first step in bringing healing to your family.
I'll be borrowing from Ken Canfield's book, The 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers—specifically, secret five: Loving Their Mother. I know it may be hard to even think about right now, but force yourself-for you and your children's sake.
Distrust Your Former Wife? Your Kids Will, Too
No one's perfect-including you. Sometimes we're late; we all do things that hurt others, too. With that in mind, let go of all the distrust you can, especially if it's based on old memories. If you choose to re-live that distrust over and over in your mind, it will give you an ulcer.
But, even worse, your children will pick up on the distrust like the smell of hamburgers on the grill. Your attitude won't come back to haunt her, only you and your kids. If you reinforce that she can't be trusted or doesn't keep promises, you'll only create a basic anxiety and fear in your kids' lives. They may not trust any women. Your son could grow up to have a string of failed relationships with women; your daughter may develop negative views of womanhood or motherhood. They'll learn to distrust you for it too, and that could undermine many of the other things you're trying to do as a dad.
No matter how much satisfaction you may get out of spite, don't do that to your kids. Now that the marriage is over, why not be a little forgiving?
Can't Bring Yourself to Talk to Their Mom?
I remember a grade school program where my son was up on the bleachers, singing his heart out about Frosty the Snowman. His mom and I were sitting on the front row, talking. What did we talk about? My son John, of course. No need to be angry about the past or present. No need to hate anyone. Only a great reason to communicate our mutual love and hopes for the life of this great little guy.
Afterwards, when we were standing around with all the other proud parents, a woman approached me and said, "I was talking to your wife, and she said ...." Oh boy. My wife! Then I stopped and thought, Of course. It was an easy mistake, but I also took it as a compliment, because it reflected that we were taking a tense situation and choosing to make the best of it. We both hugged John and then went our separate ways. No ulcers, no atmosphere of distrust, no lack of communication, no anger. Who benefited? My son John, myself, and maybe their mom. We all won and it felt great. You can win and bring your kids into the equation too.
Think about the future now. Imagine no hate, anger or distrust aimed at your children's mother. You're there, and there is laughter, affirmation, even love. Your kids see their potential, love their mom for who she is, and give you credit for being the dad all their friends would like to have.
What more can life give in your role as a dad? Not much. Try it!
Patrick Batchelder is a writer and single-father advocate. He lives in Colorado with his son and daughter.
When Dad's Not Involved
As a psychologist, Dr. Flanery has seen the painful ravages of what can happen when Dad is absent from his children's lives.
"There are some horrifying statistics about what happens to children whose fathers are absent from their lives.
"It's heart-rending," he says. "For boys, the chances of delinquency, alcohol abuse and not graduating from high school increase dramatically. Girls are more likely to be abused sexually and have children out of wedlock. Men need to be involved in the lives of their children."
Have Faith that They'll Survive
And while Dr. Flanery stays connected with his children, he cherishes the few minutes he'll have to himself to browse a bookstore alone as a Father's Day treat. Life with 10 children is a hand-full. Two hands full.
"You've got to have faith in yourself and your wife that the children will turn out fine. The definition of faith is belief in things not seen, and you've got to have faith that it's all worthwhile because many times it doesn't look like it."
Father's Day Gift Shopping...
It's Father's Day on the 15th June. When ever I'm stuck for a present for someone I often turn to BuyAGift.com as they have such a great selection of unique things.
As well as the activity days which they're best known for they've also got hampers and pampering gifts which always go down well with the ladies in my life ie my mum.
If you want to encourage your dad to get fit or even just get outdoors you won't go far wrong with one of these great gifts. Plus you can get a 10% discount* - Simply enter the code "fdaff" at the checkout on any order you place before Sunday 15th June.
* excluding theme park and attraction tickets, charity gifts and personal shopper experiences
Top 10 Tips for Father's Day from a Dad of 10
ST. LOUIS -- The 10 children of Randall Flanery, Ph.D., associate professor of community and family medicine at Saint Louis University and a psychologist, know better than to buy him a tie as a Father's Day gift.
"I love it when they give me a gift certificate to a bookstore. I get two gifts in one -- books and the chance to browse a bookstore without feeling guilty about spending time away from my family," says Dr. Flanery, whose children range in age from 6 to 26.
For Dr. Flanery, who specializes in treating children and adolescents in his psychology practice, fatherhood represents a curious mix of challenges.
"Men should be made of steel and velvet. Know you can be both strong and nurturing. Fathers have a unique opportunity to do that."
Sometimes that means telling a 16 year-old son, 'No, you can't drive to Florida with two friends over spring break," in the morning and consoling him the same afternoon because he didn't make the junior varsity baseball team.
"The most effective parenting comes when you don't plan for it, such as those times when your child calls at 12:30 a.m. and asks to stay out an extra three hours because a bunch of friends want to go to a party. What if that phone rings, and no one's there to pick it up?"
10 Gems of Wisdom
That in mind, Dr. Flanery shares his top 10 tips for fathers.
1. Run a benevolent dictatorship. "Some parents find it hard to assert their authority. They try to appeal to reason when, sometimes, what the situation calls for is 'No,'" Dr. Flanery says.
2. Be friendly, but not a friend. Parenting requires a higher standard of behavior than being a friend. Dads need to be concerned about what is good for their children, not just what they want.
3. Admit when you're wrong. It sends out the right signal that Dad is big enough to acknowledge his mistakes and move along.
4. Remain firmly flexible. Your children are growing and changing all of the time. While your family values should remain consistent, a 5-year old needs different limits than a 10-year old.
5. Stick around, even when they don't want you to. One of the jobs of adolescents is to pull away as they struggle to become more adult. One of the challenges of being a parent is to love them in spite of it.
6. Ask questions. "But don't expect to always get answers," Dr. Flanery says. "Just asking the question is enough to start children thinking."
7. Don't take it personally if they express unhappiness. Children are likely to complain if they don't get their way. Shrug it off.
8. Know that parenting is 24/7, and then some. "Being a parent is unrelenting. There's no time off; you don't get to check out."9. Keep in mind that who you are is more important than what you buy them. "Who you are seeps into their pores and goes away with them long after they've forgotten whether or not you've taken them to McDonalds," Dr. Flanery says.
10. Laugh. When they're little, they'll break your back. When they're bigger, they sometimes break your heart. So learn to take the bitter with the better, and laugh.