Salmon recipe
Use either cedar or alder plank/chips (soak it in water for a minute or two, first). Use WILD ALASKAN Salmon if possible. (Try not to use farm raised salmon (mercury content is high). Place skin side down on grill (brush fish and grill lightly with olive oil first). On the flesh side, coat lightly with mayonnaise (for healthier version, skip this step). Then, add FRESHLY chopped rosemary and lemon juice, add once again while cooking along with Morton's Nature's Season's on top of the rosemary. A thin salmon fillet will only take 6-8 minutes on a grill at 300-400 degrees on top of the wet plank. This recipe has been in the family for ages and served us well in Oregon and now in Arizona.
John Braun Marana, AZ
Dad's Salmon Grill Recipe
Recipes JUST for Dad